Stat Block Generator
Additional Help
Version 2.00 of the stat block generator introduced some major changes:
- Clean look: The height, weight, and spell inputs are gone, and the remaining inputs have been shuffled around. The spell input caused problems for those with multiple casting classes since there isn't room for more than one class; the generator still lists the "spells" as a special attack and (where supported) calculates spell progression.
- Unarmed strikes: Unarmed strikes are now more flexible; multiclassed monks (usually) have US attacks listed with both BAB and UBAB. Flurry of blows is also added for monks.
- More auto-checks: Continuing the trend toward checking as you type, skills and feats are formatted right after you type them in (similar to races, classes, and alignment).
- Cleaner code: Much of the code has been updated and modernized; this will make future updates easier.
Supported formats:
- d20 standard: A community standard stat block format.
- Core rules: The standard stat block format is explained on page 129 of the DMG. It is a very space-saving format with little whitespace.
- Chronicle: The format for submissions to Wizards publications; information on this format can be found on the Dungeon magazine submission guidelines. It breaks apart the various special abilities, often making for an easier read.
- Guild: The official format of the RPGA, found (in a zip file) on the RPGA Adventure Writing Guidelines.
Supported races:
- Player's Handbook: human, dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, and half-orc.
- Monster Manual: drow, goblin, hobgoblin, mefolk, and orc.
- Wizards' 3E Dragonlance conversion: kender.
Supported classes:
- Player's Handbook: barbarian (Bbn), bard (Brd), cleric (Clr), druid (Drd), fighter (Ftr), monk (Mnk), paladin (Pal), ranger (Rgr), rogue (Rog), sorcerer (Sor), and wizard (Wiz).
- Dungeon Master's Guide: adept (Adp), aristocrat (Ari), commoner (Com), expert (Exp), warrior (War), arcane archer (Arc), assassin (Asn), blackguard (Blk), dwarven defender (Def), loremaster (Lor), and shadowdancer (Shd).
Supported weapons:
- Player's Handbook: bastard sword, battleaxe, club, dagger, dart, dire flail, dwarven urgrosh, dwarven waraxe, falchion, glaive, gnome hooked hammer, greataxe, greatclub, greatsword, guisarme, halberd, halfling kama, halfling nunchaku, halfling siangham, halfspear, hand crossbow, handaxe, heavy crossbow, heavy flail, heavy lance, heavy mace, heavy pick, javelin, kama, kukri, light crossbow, light flail, light hammer, light lance, light mace, light pick, longbow, longspear, longsword, morningstar, nunchaku, orc double axe, punching dagger, quarterstaff, ranseur, rapier, repeating crossbow, sap, scimitar, scythe, shortbow, shortspear, shortsword, shuriken, siangham, sickle, sling, spiked chain, spiked gauntlet, throwing axe, trident, two-bladed sword, warhammer, and whip.
- Dungeon Master's Guide: antimatter rifle, kusari-gama, musket, and pistol.
- Sword and Fist: bladed gauntlet, bolas, chain-and-dagger, duom, fukimi-bari, fullblade, gnome battlepick, great crossbow, gyrspike, halfling skiprock, harpoon, manti, mercurial greatsword, mercurial longsword, orc shotput, spinning javelin, spring-loaded gauntlet, stump knife, three-section staff, triple dagger, war fan, and whip dagger.
- Dragonlance Saga Equipment and Magic: bear claws, bollik, clabbard, crook blade, death's tooth kala, dwarven caff, dwarven prybar, dwarven warhammer, dwarven weighted sword, forpann, hoopak, katar, kausin, lajang, mandoll, pellet bow, plainsman hunting stick, sanguine, sashik, scourge, shatang, soris, teeth chain, tessto, throwing blade, throwing stone, warpipe, weighted sash, whippik, and zakhar blowgun.
Supported armors:
- Player's Handbook: banded mail, breastplate, chain shirt, chainmail, full plate, half-plate, hide, leather, padded, scale mail, splint mail, and studded leather.
- Dungeon Master's Guide: bracers of armor, dwarven plate, elven chain, and mithril shirt.
Alignments: Lawful Good (LG), Lawful Neutral (LN), Lawful Evil (LE), Neutral Good (NG), Neutral/True Neutral (N), Neutral Evil (NE), Chaotic Good (CG), Chaotic Neutral (CN), Chaotic Evil (CE).
Defaults: All entries are optional. The default is a male human War1. Stats default to the average 10 or 11, adjusted by race. Hit points default to the average (non-elite) amount, based on class and Constitution.
Program limitations: This program makes a few basic assumptions: a character is equipped only with weapons he/she is proficient with, nonevil clerics use positive energy rather than negative energy, and all equipment listed is used.
Known bugs: When a weapon's name includes another ('zakhar blowgun' includes 'blowgun'), both weapons are shown. Two-handed weapons do not deal 1.5 * Str bonus. Two of the RPGA prestige class abbreviations are unsupported (use Dungeon abbreviations). If you find any bugs not on this list, or know of a way to solve any of these using JavaScript, please e-mail me at Thanks!
Uses: This page is useful not only for PC generation, but for NPCs, making this page especially good for adventure designers or adventure converters.

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